Irvin Medical Claims and Services, LLC
DUNS: 079863329
After completing high school, I knew furthering my education was the next step. Although I was proud of my accomplishment, I wanted to earn a better income; therefore, I applied to Bradford Business School in 1980, to become a secretary. During that time, I thought being a secretary was the next best thing. Once completing the classes I sought employment with Union National Bank, in the returns department. I felt my position was of great important and I was well accomplished. I was employed there for six years, and while it paid the bills I knew this wasnt the career for me.
In October of 1987, my older sister had moved to Richmond Virginia, shortly afterwards my two younger sisters, and I visited her. I remember the weather being hot and not wanting to leave to go back to Pittsburgh, where the weather was below zero. During the Christmas holiday, my father and sister had come to visit, in the midst of a discussion they both informed me of all the opportunities Richmond had to offer. My current job was no longer satisfying, but I knew moving to Richmond would be costly and scary. With little money saved, and no job waiting I couldnt help, but think how I was going to make it.
With the gas money given to me by my father, I headed for Richmond without a job or my own place, just my packed bags, faith and motivation. Within the first few weeks of staying with my sister, I had applied for a hiring position at the Richmond Times Dispatch. Once interviewed and hired I was required to take some additional classes, in order to freshen up for my position as the Secretary to the Assistant Director of Personal. The position paid the bills and allowed me to move into my first apartment. This was a great start, but I knew there was more, and of course my intuitions were right.
After a few months working there, I realized there were no women working in the pressroom. I applied for a pressroom position, determined to get in even after being told women never get hired or even an interview. Not only did I get the interview, I got the position! Few spoke to me if any at all during that first day of working there. I was a bit worried, but within five years of working in the pressroom, I was promoted to running the printing press with a crew of seven to eight men. Not only that, I was also voted to be President of the Union, and did so for five years. This was a great accomplishment, but even after all the work, and great success my gut was telling me there was more.
After working, I notice technology becoming an important factor in society. Id figure within a few years to come, newspapers would become ancient, and people would eventually find other ways to get the news. I knew there had to be a change in my career, and while doing research I came across man doing medical billing, helping doctors receives their income. I was excited knowing this was a stable yet growing career path that fit me well. As long as there are doctors in this world theyre going to need someone to help them handle their income. I learned that medical billing could do that, and be done from home. I saw nothing but great opportunities, I loved the challenge of helping doctors receive the payment they deserve, and working from home was nothing but a bonus!
Although, I knew this was not a career I could jump into head first. I continued working at the Richmond Times Dispatch as I learned the ins and outs of medical billing. After having two jobs over the course of five years, I felt it was time to leave the newspaper business. I started working as a medical biller full time in 2005, since then Ive been able to help doctors save money and receive the income they deserve. Its not always easy trusting someone else with your income. With the experience and knowledge, Ive accumulated; I am able to make doctors feel comfortable knowing their business is handled the right way.